Together We Are Stronger

We are building independent political power for and with historically marginalized communities across Southern New Mexico.

“When we dream alone, it is only a dream. When we dream together, it is the beginning of reality.” - Archbishop Helder Camara

Who you are matters

New Mexico continues to have the highest poverty rates in the country. As people of faith and warriors of justice we believe in creating and pushing for policies that place the dignity and worth of our families and communities front and center. We must work together to hold elected officials at all levels of government accountable and responsive to the needs of our families.

Endorsements for General Election 2024

Our Team

Our team is made up of directly-impacted individuals who are committed to shifting the politics of New Mexico. We are made up of people who are pro-Immigrant, pro-Worker, pro-Black, pro-Indegenous, pro-LGBTQ, and pro-Earth. We are committed to radically loving each other to erase the margins and bring about the transformational change our families deserve.

Sylvia Ulloa

Executive Director

Ytzel Cano

Policy & Data Advisor

Stevie Paz

Director of Communications

Diana Rodriguez

Operations Manager


Ellice Whiteaker

Community Organizer – (Clergy) Las Cruces

Maty Gonzalez

Community Organizer – Colonias

Laura Parra

Community Organizer

CAFe Accion is proudly part of the Faith in Action Fund. The Faith in Action Fund is one of the most dynamic political action fund in the country. Deeply committed to building power in communities of color, Faith in Action Fund is making waves that will reverberate through multiple generations.

What we accomplished in 2022

CAFe Accion Civic Engagement Program for the 2022 Midterm Elections

CAFe Accion (and our sister 501c3 NM CAFe) kicked off a robust civic engagement program over a period of 3 months in partnership with Equis.

CAFe Accion knocked on 177,833 doors, had 8,697 conversations, and phone banked 20,534 people in Doña Ana County.

This resulted in 3,123 new Hispanic voters in Doña Ana County – who voted early. 

In addition to the civic engagement program, CAFe Accion also put on a celebratory event: ‘¡Gentefest! 2022 Las Cruces’. Which celebrated and emphasized Latino community political influence and cultural power. Emphasizing the right to vote and urging people to vote before or on election day was crucial to the 2022 midterm election cycle. Bands such as Conjunto 4 Norte and La Conquistadora Banda performed for a crowd of over 1,000 people in the Las Cruces Downtown Plaza. 


Doors Knocked




New Voters

Our goals and commitment would not be possible without leaders like you.

Build a More Inclusive New Mexico

Now is your time to make a difference.

Join our movement as we build a more progressive and inclusive New Mexico that places the dignity and worth of our families first.

CAFé Acción needs leaders like you to fight for

  • Economic, racial, and immigrant justice
  • Quality jobs for New Mexico communities
  • Worker protections
  • Higher wages

Justice is what love looks like in public. - Dr. Cornell West

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